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Health benefit of Saffron

Saffron can help protect against cancer, cold, To increase vitality,  In patchy baldness, In delayed puberty, Promotes learning and memory retention, Food Additives.
1-Protects against cancer


Saffron contains a dark orange, water soluble carotene called crocin, which is responsible for much of saffron's golden color. Crocin has been found to trigger apoptosis [ programmed cell death] in a number of different types of human cancer cells, leukemia, ovarian carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, and soft tissue sarcoma. Researchers in Mexico who have been studying saffron extract have discovered that saffron and its active components display an ability to inhibit human malignant cells. Not only does the spice inhibit cells that have become cancerous, but it has no such effect on normal cells and actually stimulates their formation and that of lymphocytes [immune cells that help destroy cancer cells.

6. To increase vitality

In low libido saffron aids as a sexual stimulant and can be consumed in a dose of a pinch in a glass of milk at bed time.

9. Enhances Immunity And Energy Levels

The carotenoids in saffron can positively affect immunity. A study has found that sub-chronic use of 100 mg of saffron daily can have a temporary immunomodulatory activity without any harmful effects. Saffron petal extract was also found to increase the antibody response in laboratory rats.

Saffron is also believed to improve energy levels – but we don’t have clear evidence on this.

2-Promotes learning and memory retention

Recent studies have also demonstrated that saffron extract, specifically its crocin, is useful in the treatment of age related mental impairment. In Japan, saffron is encapsulated and used in the treatment of Parkinson’s diseasememory loss and inflammation.

4-In patchy baldness

Saffron mixed in liquorice and milk makes an effective topical application to induce hair growth in alopecia.

7. Food Additives

Saffron is an excellent replacement for synthetic food additives- for eg: instead of FD and C yellow no 5: a synthetic food coloring agent that is a very common allergy trigger, Saffron’s glorious yellow could be an acceptable hypoallergenic choice.

3-Protection against cold

Saffron is a stimulant tonic and very effective to treat coldand fever; saffron mixed in milk and applied over the forehead quickly relieves cold.

5. To increase vitality

Recent studies have also demonstrated that saffron extract, specifically its crocin, is useful in the treatment of age related mental impairment. In Japan, saffron is encapsulated and used in the treatment of Parkinson’s diseasememory loss and inflammation.

8. Helps Cure Asthma

Reports throw light on saffron’s use for asthma since the ancient times. Traditional medicine has mentioned the use of saffron for this purpose. However, research is limited. Hence, consult your doctor for more details.

10. Is Good During Pregnancy

According to an Iranian study, saffron can increase the readiness of the cervix during term pregnancy. It also has the highest effect on effacement (shortening of the uterine cervix and the thinning of its walls). Also, the number of cesarean sections was lower in women who took saffron.

Conversely, some reports say that saffron can also be used to terminate pregnancy. Please consult your doctor in this regard. Take their advice.

11. Improves Heart Health

Due to its antioxidant properties, saffron helps maintain healthy arteries and blood vessels. And the spice’s anti-inflammatory properties also benefit the heart. Saffron is the richest source of riboflavin, an important vitamin for the heart. The crocetin in the spice indirectly regulates blood cholesterol levels and reduces the severity of atherosclerosis .

Saffron can also lower blood pressure, which otherwise would lead to heart attacks.

Due to its antioxidant properties, saffron helps maintain healthy arteries and blood vessels. And the spice’s anti-inflammatory properties also benefit the heart. Saffron is the richest source of riboflavin, an important vitamin for the heart. The crocetin in the spice indirectly regulates blood cholesterol levels and reduces the severity of atherosclerosis .

Saffron can also lower blood pressure, which otherwise would lead to heart attacks.

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